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The proposal aims to blend with the surroundings and the life of the festival, creating a structure generated by organic shapes and natural materials blended with artificial colourful accents.


A series of wooden legs revolve around a seating space, creating a creaturesque arrangement that rensembles the forest that surrounds most areas on the island. This structure is coronated by an iridescent sheet which reflects the sunbeams and changes colour as you move around the proposal.


On top of each one of the legs there is a maritime buoy, that intends to make reference to the multitude of activities that occur in the festival other than the music performances. In this case it makes allusion to the balloon parties, one of the festival’s most popular highlights. Additionally, the buoys light up at night serving as a spotlight and guiding people accross the festival.


With its architecture and features, the proposal is expected to function as a landmark both during the day and the night going along with the mood of Sziget, as well as a place for people to meet, rest and play.





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